Everything about our team, our culture and our mission.

Our biggest asset is our


Poort8 is formed around the capabilities, interest, experience and network of its founders. We have a young, flexible, educated, practical, motivated, energized, start-up-towards-scale-up team. This combined makes that we at Poort8 do what we like and what we are good at. We strongly believe that this strategy brings the most energy to the team. We then use that energie to focus on making impact with our activities.

Meet the Team

We deeply cherish our


We strongly believe that having a great team is key for every organization and that culture defines the foundation of the team. We defined our culture in our Manifesto. It keeps our values clear and aligned. Check it out!

We strongly believe in our


Secure and controlled data sharing within logistics

Data sharing will only ignite when parties involved are in control and all their criteria are met. Unfortunately most companies struggle to meet all criteria or even to be aware of all criteria. It is our vision that when companies are aware of all criteria and get help with the criteria they cannot meet on their own, data sharing will happen.

We have the ambition to be their guide in the data sharing jungle. We want to help them understand all criteria and take on a few of them on their own. We will take care of the rest with our own products and solutions or with carefully selected partners.
